Saturday, October 13, 2012

Done and Done

Today is a day of finishes for me. I have had horrible luck lately with sewing machines. I was blessed that my grandmother used to sew and took really good care of her beloved singer. I picked up her machine which hadn't been used in almost 10 years. With a little prompting and dusting she fired right back up and went to work!! She is old but she is wonderful. Only thing I need is a 1/4" foot that fits. The one on it now makes me sew backwards for what  I'm used to. 

But any who....

While at work I finished the binding on three items. 
First was the houndstooth quilt. Let me just say my fingers are raw from sewing the binding on this one. But it turned out better than I thought it would. 

Next is the kitchenaid mixer cover for my secret partner in the Modernista Homemade swap. I plan on making a couple towels for the kitchen as well then this is off to it's new home. 

Last but not least is my mini swoon quilt for my other secret partner in the MSMS. This one came out even better than I had imagined. 

And of course a binding shot. I don't know why I love these so much but I do. 

Since im doing the 100 day hustle here is my updated list:

All of these are a must happen:

  1. Sewing binding onto granny squares quilt.   finished 9/23
  2. Baste, quilt, and bind Made in cherry quilt. 
  3. Baste, quilt, and bind Plus quilt. 
  4. Baste, quilt, and bind Tetris quilt. 
  5. Finish sewing houndstooth quilt so I can baste, quilt, and bind.  finished 10/13
  6. Sew wienie dog quilt.
  7. Sew Link triforce quilt. 
  8. Sew skull quilt.  Ready to quilt ( hope to finished this one monday)
  9. Sew chevron quilt. (not even sure of fabric on this one)
  10. Make gift for secret partner in Modernista Homemade swap due 10/22  finished 10/13
  11. Make gift for secret partner in Modern She made swap due 11/19. finished 10/13
These are a would like to happen (We shall see how that goes):
  1. Sew macbook cover for me!
  2. Sew fabric baskets for my growing stash pile (must be color coordinated of course)
  3. Make keychains for small gifts. 
  4. Use some scraps making potholders and other small things for gifts. 

After work if I can muster up the energy the plan is to cut the fabric for the wienie dog quilt and sew it together at work. If we manage to have a good day. 

Thats all for now. How is your list going??

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Feeling lost

As you all know I have been dealing with a sewing machine on the fritz. It has about done me in. I have given up on it and pulled out my mothers old machine that I put away when I bought the one I have now. It is a decent machine but seemed to give me trouble occasionally too. But I am happy to report that for the time being it is working well enough to get some projects started so I can get them sent off. 

I am making a mini quilt for my partner in MSMS. 

It isn't perfect by any means but I am proud at the way it came out. I had never put together a swoon block before but it was fun. Only confusing part was figuring out what size blocks to cut of each color since I made a rainbow. I really hope my parter enjoys this when it's finished. Thinking about making a small pincushion to go with it. 

Goals of the week:
Finish mini swoon ( hopefully tomorrow)
Pick up grandma's sewing machine for back up 
Get one more quilt to the binding stage ( Just not sure which one I'll pick...maybe the skull quilt.)

What are you working on this week??

Monday, October 1, 2012

Pressing on

Well I told you Friday that my sewing machine was on the fritz. Since I work all weekend I managed to go have it checked out today. The lady at the singer shop told me that there was a problem with the threading of my machine and that I would need to pay extra attention to this so everything would work right. Then I got home. I thought seems easy enough maybe this will fix it. Started sewing the rows together for the skull quilt I pieced this weekend and everything was going great. Then I got almost done and it all started again.... Luckily I managed to get it to work long enough to get the quilt top put together so I can move on to my next one. This one went together super quick thanks to chain piecing. 

 Guess this means I really will have to shop for a new machine. Apparently it is getting worn out. They just don't make things like they used to. I think I have it narrowed down to what I want just have to go into the dealer and play to make sure its a good fit. 

I also got a couple pacifier clips finished for my handsome nephew I get to see Wednesday.